
Report on vehicle user attitudes, driving behaviours and HRS network access trends


This report summarises the results of questionnaires completed FCEV end users both prior to and during operation of the vehicles. This data represents the experiences and attitudes of private users, fleet operators and fleet drivers on vehicle and refuelling technology. Analysis of the data included here will explore the causation behind the trends, and make key recommendations to improve future experiences.

Read the full report here:

H2ME-D5.2 Report on vehicle user attitudes, driving behaviours and HRS network access trends (Interim 1)

H2ME-D5.4 Report on vehicle user attitudes, driving behaviours and HRS network access trends (Interim 2)

H2ME-D5.6 Report on vehicle user attitudes, driving behaviours and HRS network access trends (Interim 3)

H2ME-D5.8 Report on vehicle user attitudes, driving behaviours and HRS network access trends (Interim 4)

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