Hydrogen Mobility Europe (H2ME, 2015-2023) is the largest passenger vehicle and hydrogen refuelling station demonstration initiative co-funded by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Initiative (FCH JU).
The aim of this report is to provide an overview of the safety and regulations, codes and standards (RCS) lessons learned during the installation of 49 HRS in eight countries during the H2ME project. The document will be updated as HRS are added to the project in new countries to form a living resource which will be of value to all stakeholders involved in HRS permitting and installation.
Read the full reports here:
H2ME-D4.20 Safety and RCS lessons learnt (interim 1)
H2ME-D4.21 Safety and RCS lessons learnt (interim 2)
H2ME-D4.22 Safety and RCS lessons learnt (interim 3)
H2ME-D4.23 Safety and RCS lessons learnt (final report)
H2ME2-D5.19 Safety and RCS lessons learnt (interim 1)
H2ME2-D5.20 Safety and RCS lessons learnt (interim 2)
H2ME2-D5.21 Safety and RCS lessons learnt (interim 3)
H2ME2-D5.22 Safety and RCS lessons learnt (interim 4)
H2ME2-D5.23 Safety and RCS lessons learnt (final report)