
Analysis of the key energy system metrics (as relevant for electrolyser-HRS operation) in a number (up to 10) of representative member states


Flexibility within the electrical systems through demand side response: introduction to balancing products and markets in Germany, France, and the UK

Arnaud Roulland (EIFER); Sebastian Blake (Open Energi); Valentine Delphin (CNR)

In order to ensure the reliability and the quality of supply within electrical systems, the operation of electrical networks requires an exact balancing of electrical flows: the demand has to match the generation at anytime. Balancing markets and ancillary services are the services necessary to support the transmission of electric power from generators to consumers. Traditionally these services have been provided by generators. However, the integration of intermittent generation and the development of smart grid technologies have prompted a shift in the equipment that can be used to provide ancillary services.
In the context of the project H2 Mobility Europe, these contracts are of interest, as buffer storage installed at electrolytic hydrogen refuelling stations can enable flexible operation of electrolysers for hydrogen supply. Smart operation strategies make it possible to decouple the hydrogen generation profile from the hydrogen end user consumption profile and hence monetize flexibility by providing balancing services to the electrical system. The revenues of such contracts is expected to decrease the net production cost of hydrogen.

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H2ME2-D4.12 Analysis of the key energy system metrics (as relevant for electrolyser-HRS operation) in a number (up to 10) of representative member states

H2ME2-D4.1 Analysis of the key energy system metrics (as relevant for electrolyser-HRS operation) in a number (up to 10) of representative member states (update) & Summary

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