
European Fuel Cell Car Workshop 2017

1/03/2017 to 3/03/2017

Orleans, France

This event is in English

The European Workshop dedicated to recent progress in fuel cells for automotive applications was organized, on March 1-3, 2017, and took place in Orléans, France, along the Loire river which is a UNESCO World Heritage and a famous place close to the Loire Castles. The location was the Hôtel Dupanloup which hosts the International Research Center of the University of Orléans.

The participants had the opportunity to meet and join potential consortia during the 2017 FCH-JU call period. This Workshop was a unique occasion for discussing both scientific and technological advances within the frame of the FCH-JU projects for having at midterm of H2020 a current status of the excellence research and Innovation in the fields of fuel cell car.

By contributing to this event, the participants highlighted Europe’s collective effort and advances and opened a new window on the Hydrogen Economy as an efficient way for reaching the EU climate change and COP21 goals.

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