
Hydrogen Taxis in Iceland


Hydrogen Mobility Europe is a flagship project that gives fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) drivers access to the first truly pan-European network of hydrogen refuelling stations. In Iceland, there are two H2ME-2 refuelling stations in operation and 20 FCEVs. Icelandic New Energy is responsible for coordinating activities in Iceland and the Nordic countries.

This video shows the case of a local taxi driver who uses a hydrogen vehicle, a Hyundai Nexo in Reykjavík and talks about his experience of the car itself and the introduction of the infrastructure.

The projects H2ME and H2ME2 have received funding from the Clean Hydrogen Partnership (previously Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking) under grant agreement No 671438 and No 700350. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, Hydrogen Europe Research and Hydrogen Europe.

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