
198 operational Hydrogen Refuelling Stations (HRS) now in Europe


While the HRS network is growing, hydrogen refuelling corridors are developed to enable the future deployment of light and heavy duty vehicles (LDV and HDV), including coaches. The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) has funded 65 out of the total 198 hydrogen refuelling stations (33%) while 34 are in the procurement stage. The remaining stations have received funds by other private and public programmes including regional, national and EU funds such as the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

  • The technology has matured sufficiently to demonstrate availabilities ranging between 90% and 100%, with the average availability in 2018 being 97%
  • 65 stations founded under the FCH JU programme, spread across 13 European countries, with Germany, France, Denmark and UK being the frontrunners
  • 195k refuelling operations recorded in the interval 2016-2018 in the FCH JU
    funded stations with over 594 tones of Hydrogen dispensed
  • 225 HRS in the pipeline
  • 34 stations in the procurement stage


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