
First Kangoo ZE-H2 vehicle delivered to Braley in France under H2ME


As part of the H2ME project, Braley (a French waste management company) is deploying an Hydrogen Refuelling Station for a local fleet of Kangoo ZE-H2 light duty vehicles. The project also includes the deployment of a large electrolyser from Areva H2Gen that will use renewable electricity provided by hydro power from the local French Department of Aveyron, which produces about 12% of the national hydro-power electricity.
The vehicle is a regular electric Kangoo ZE from Renault which is further equipped with a ‘range extender kit’ i.e. a complete kit hydrogen tank and fuel cell that converts hydrogen into electricity to recharge the battery which is used to power the vehicle; the battery will have a longer life because it will be recharged regularly. A range of 300 km on a full 350 bars tank can be achieved. There are zero tail pipe emissions i.e. pollution is nil and vehicles can be re-fuelled in 5 minutes.


The hydrogen filling station Sébazac (near Rodez) will open around the end of 2016 with hydrogen production on site planned from June 2017.


Symbio van Braley
One of the Symbio FCell Kangoo ZE-H2 vans being used by Braley
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